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Saturday, December 3, 2011

From The Comic Shop #46: Saturday, December 3, 2011:

Superman #3 (DC)
Legion: Secret Origin #2 (of 6) (DC)
All-Star Western #3 (DC)
Invincible #85 (Skybound/Image)
Fables #111 (Vertigo/DC)
Terry Moore's How To Draw Expressions (Abstract Studios)

I also did a bit of Christmas shopping, buying a collected edition and a graphic novel. I won't say for who:

Strangers In Paradise Pocket Edition vol. 2, written, drawn and lettered by Terry Moore.  (Abstract Studios)

An Elegy For Amelia Johnson written by Andrew Rostan, illustrated by Dave Valeza & Kate Kasenow and lettered by Dave Lanphear (Archaia).

My local comic book shop didn't have a copy of Billy Tucci's A Child Is Born, but was all too happy to order a copy for me.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preview #57 Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, November 23 & 30, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 30, 2011:

Fables #111 (Vertigo/DC)
Legion: Secret Origins #2 (of 6) (DC)

Comic books from last week, November 23, 2011:

All-Star Western #3 (DC)
Superman #3 (DC)
Invincible #85 (Skybound/Image)
A Child Is Born #1 (of 1) (Apostle Arts)

I saw some of the pages from A Child Is Born, drawn by Billy Tucci, when he appeared at MegaCon back in March. Needless to say, the art was exquisite as he always does. A Child Is Born is a comic book adaption of the Birth of Christ. It's now released at the perfect time for the Christmas season. To learn more about this comic book, go to the website Apostle Arts.

I wasn't able to go to the comic book shop last week, so I'm going to have a nice little stack to read after I go to my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, this Saturday.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Issue #138: Comic Books For The Weeks Of November 9 & 16, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 9, 2011:

Legion Lost #3 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC)
Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios)

Comic book for the week of Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

Legion Lost #3 (DC) *  *  *

The lost Legionnaires search for signs if Alastor is still alive in order to find a cure for the pathogen spreading among 21st Century humans. While the other Legionnaires try to cobble together some equipment that will work in this more primitive era, Timber Wolf follows a trail on his own and makes a shocking discovery.

Unlike other reviews of some of DC's new 52 titles which are critical of what they feel is a lack of story, Legion Lost tells a solid story. It continues to develop the mystery of the pathogen from the 31st Century, and the Legion's struggles to survive in a more primitive time, and solve a problem they feel partly responsible for. After the revelation in this issue, I can't wait to read the next issue.

Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC) *  *  *  *

After some quick scenes of life on various worlds of the Empire, both the Legionnaire's and Captain Kirk's landing party try to escape from angry crowds and find good hiding places. Spock is able to discover how this Earth's history, and this issue ends with one question: How will both marooned groups react to each other when they meet. We're given tantalizing glimpses to the identity to this Empire's Emperor. Is it Vandal Savage?

While it's taking a few issues to almost get both groups together, it doesn't feel like the plot is thin or the story padded. This issue has built story tension  as our heroes have to escape danger, find a safe hideout, and figure out a way to get to their own universe. Now that the stage is set, almost, I can't wait to read how the two groups interact to solve their common threat.

Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios) *  *  *  *  *

Rachel goes to a nightclub, and has a strange interaction with another woman that hints at another way Rachel's trauma has affected her. The mysterious blonde woman from the previous issue is also there, and another person is driven to extreme behavior after meeting her, just as in last issue. That story is also continued in this issue as well.

Terry Moore continues to develop an excellent horror story, revealing a little more of the mystery with each issue, giving us a satisfying chunk of story and drawing us into the plot, bringing us back for next issue. He knows how to craft an excellent horror story without the gore.

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC) *  *  *  *

One team of Legionnaires fight the Dominion fleet and the Daxamite Res-Vir, while Brainiac 5 learns more about Glorith's powers, while Cosmic Boy leads another group to Daxam to learn more about Res-Vir.

First of all, I love the Chris Sprouse pencilled and Karl Story inked cover. This story had the usual touches I enjoy in a Legion story, action, character development and a touch of humor to break the tension in the right places. When I think of the Dominion, I'm reminded of the plot line from the "5 years later" Legion series, which was the first monthly Legion series I collected. I'm looking forward to reading this new 52 version of the Dominion. My only criticism of this story is that I prefer the egg like design of the Dominion from the 5 years later Legion title than this sereis. It reminds me of a Klingon ship, but this is only a very minor quibble.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

From The Comic Shop #45: Saturday, November 19, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

and from last week:

Legion Lost #3 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC)
Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios)

I guess I should call it Legion Week as far as my comic book reading goes. As much as I like the Legion, I'm still saving Rachel Rising for last, because it's such an excellent series (as is anything Terry Moore does).

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preview #56: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

This is the only title I'll be getting this week from my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, but I'll also be picking up the titles from last week.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Issue #137: Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, October 26 & November 2, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, October 26, 2011:

All-Star Western #2 (DC)
Legion: Secret Origins #1 (of 6) (DC)
Superman #2 (DC)

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 2, 2011:

Action Comics #2 (DC)
Invincible #84 (Skybound/Image)

All-Star Western #2 (DC) *  *  *  *

Jonah Hex and Dr. Arkham learn the secret behind the secret evil taking over Gotham City and face off against their forces in typical Jonah Hex style.We learn more about their plot and how they plan to carry it out, but Jonah might have a different opinion about that. Moritat's art is excellent, conveying the dark tone of the story in vivid detail. I don't know who Dr. Arkham is more scared of, Hex or the evil forces they're fighting, but at least he knows to stay close to Jonah.Do't miss the second story at the back of the issue, starring the classic DC western hero El Diablo, who is drawn into a fight against a foe that is popular in movies and TV these days, but no sparkles are involved, if you know what I mean.

Legion: Secret Origin #1 (of 6) (DC) *  *  *  *

I have to agree with the hosts of the Legion Of Substitute Podcasters hosts. As much as I've enjoyed the new Legion title, this may have been a better choice to use as the first issue of that series. While I love the Legion, there are a lot of characters, which may intimidate some comic book readers. But speaking for myself, that doesn't stop me from picking up a new title if I come in during the middle of it. One of my favorite comic book series is Planetary. My first issue was #19. But it was such an interesting story, and so different from the average superhero title, that I picked it up and gradually bought the back issues. Maybe Legion: Secret Origin will still draw in new readers.

It doesn't so much change the classic Legion origin, as it does add some behind the scene details. UP forces investigate an attack on a planet, and and find a strange device. Brainiac 5 is called in to investigate. Meanwhile we are introduced to a few members of a mysterious agency of the United Planets, who are drawn to that case, as well as three teenagers who save R. J. Brande, one of the richest men in the Galaxy, from assassins. And there's more to Brande than meets the eye, or at least than we've seen in past Legion series. The Legion takes its first steps as a few gifted teens join the founding trio.

What I like most about this first issue is that it doesn't try to change anything that is familiar about the Legion's founding to longtime readers like myself, as it does add new details and background to the origin, which make a classic story seem fresh and new. And, with DC's new 52 relaunch, it's appropriate to have a new origin story to hopefully introduce the Legion to new readers.

Superman #2 (DC) *  *  *  *

I'm continuing to enjoy this new Superman, even if he doesn't wear the red underwear on the outside anymore (not that I'm interested in what he wears under his uniform). Superman and General Lane consult about the threat the Man of Steel faced in the first issue. Clark and Lois have a conversation about the changes in their relationship with her new job, and it does a great job of filling in the background of what their relationship has been in the past. I did like this fight better than the first issue. Whoever is behind these attacks has found a way to challenge Superman in a unique way in this issue. What I like most about it is that  Superman is able to think fast on his feet to get a handle on his mysterious opponent. And is that a familiar place the Man of Steel's in at the end of the issue?

Action Comics #3 (DC) *  *  *  *

The issue begins with a flashback to Krypton, drawn by Gene Ha. It takes place in Kandor, as Lara and the infant Kal-El visit family. Clark Kent gets a visit by the police about his campaign against Metropolis corruption and a possible connection with Superman.Clark joins Lois and Jimmy at a diner to discuss the fallout of Glenmorgan's confrontation with Superman, then compete for the same story. Then a military experiment goes awry. This was another solid issue of the new Action Comics. Writer Grant Morrison is crafting a great story about Superman's early years. Morrison has brought some of the Man of Steel's Golden Age origins into modern day and updated them to craft a refreshing story. We get a sense of Clark's isolation as he is in the process of getting his feet under him as he begins his career as a superhero. We haven't yet learned the nature of the alien threat approaching Earth, but long time Superman readers might have a good guess as to who it is. Reading Superman is fun again.

Invincible #84 (Skybound/Image) *  *  *  *

The cover is very simple, but its simplicity catches the eye. It really sums up the issue. Invincible makes some decisions that promise to change the course of his superhero career. He's not turning evil, but thinks he's found a different way of saving lives as a superhero. Not everyone is happy with his decision. This is what I like about Robert Kirkman's writing. The Invincible co-creator is not afraid to do anything with his main characters, which make his comic books a great read.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Preview #55: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, November 9, 2011:

Legion Lost #3 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW)
Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios)

I've got a lot going on this Saturday, so I won't be going to my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, until next week.

So far, I'm enjoying reading about the Legionnaires marooned in the 21st Century, and, now that the players have been introduced in the Star Trek/Legion crossover, I'm anxious to read what's going to happen next to both casts of characters. Chris Roberson's writing was the only thing that made the Grounded storyline bearable, after he took over for original Grounded writer J. Michael Straczynski, so I have faith that he has created a well-crafted story for this mini-series.

Of the three titles I'm getting this week, I'm going to save Rachel Rising for last. I've enjoyed Terry Moore's writing and art so much that his new series promises to be the best read each week it's published. He just doesn't know who to create a bad comic book.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Issue #136: Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, October 12 & 19, 2011:

From the week of Wednesday, October 12, 2011:

Legion Lost #2 (DC)

From the week of Wednesday, October 19, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (IDW/DC)
Fables #110 (Vertigo/DC)

Legion Lost #2 (DC) *  *  *

In the aftermath of the destruction that occurred in Red Lake Falls, Minnesota in last month's first issue, we learn in this one what brought the Legionnaires to the 21st Century. They continue the pursuit of their quarry. The creative team didn't drag out the mystery about why the team time traveled to the past. I like the art style, and the creative team is doing a solid job of setting up the storyline of this new title, giving us a second Legion series to look forward to each month.

Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (DC) *  *  *  *

First of all, I love the Chris Sprouse cover. I've always loved his art. We learn more about the renegades who are sabotaging Watchworld. It makes an interesting story to see the Legion counterattack. Brainiac 5 becomes interested in Glorith's abilities, setting up a future plot line, I'm sure. Meanwhile Earth Man is laid to rest at the Graveyard of Heroes. Shadow Lass's grief will also be part of future plot developments. This new Legion title has lost none of the steam from the last one. Paul Levitz and team are crafting some great Legion issues. It's much appreciated, after the last few years of sputtering relaunches, most of which were good, but the Legion never seemed to build a firm foundation. That's no longer a problem.

Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (IDW/DC) *  *  *  *

This issue is mostly about setting up the story, but it does build to a satisfying climax and cliffhanger, which left me looking forward to the second issue. We are also introduced to at least one of DC's classic science fiction characters, granted in a new situation. The art is good, but in a few spots is a little uneven, but it's not terrible. This first issue pulls from several threads of original Star Trek mythology to lay down a firm foundation for what promises to be a great mini-series.

Fables #110 (Vertigo/DC) *  *  *  *

Bufkin and friends continue their quest in Oz, gaining an unexpected ally in this issue. While Snow's and Bigby's children continue to train in order to determine who will inherit their Grandfather's position as the North Wind, the other three Winds discuss how to proceed. Miss Duglas continues her sword training, and we learn a little more about her trainer. Bufkin and the Oz story was the most interesting part of the issue, while the other plot lines advanced their individual stories. This current story line has some interesting balls in the air, and I look forward to each issue to read how they'll develop.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

From The Comic Shop #44: Saturday, November 5, 2011:

From last week, Wednesday, October 26, 2011:

All-Star Western #2 (DC)
Legion: Secret Origin #1 (of 6) (DC)
Superman #2 (DC)

This week, Wednesday, November 2, 2011:

Action Comics #3 (DC)
Invincible #84 (Skybound/Image)

It looks like I've got a good week of comic book reading ahead of me. I'm looking forward to read what's going to happen to Jonah Hex and Dr. Arkham in the second issue of All-Star Western, and it doesn't look good.

With DC's new 52, I can't wait to read this new origin for the Legion Of Super-Heroes, written by long time Legion scribe Paul Levitz. And speaking of the new 52, it's a joy to look forward to the latest issues of Action Comics and Superman, a feeling I haven't felt for a few years.

Last but not least, Invincible is going through a dark time, and there's no telling what writer and co-creator Robert Kirkman will put Mark Grayson through next.

Going to my local comic shop, Acme Comics, has been more fun than ever, a trip I look forward to each week.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

From The Comic Shop #43: Saturday, October 22, 2011:

From last week, Wednesday, October 12, 2011:

Legion Lost #2 (DC)

And this week:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (IDW)
Fables #110 (Vertigo/DC)

I'm really looking forward to the Star Trek/Legion crossover, two of my favorite science fiction universes all rolled together into one comic book. Or, to put it another way, two great flavors that go well together.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Preview # 54: Comic Books For the Week Of Wednesday, October 12, 2011:

Legion Lost #2 (DC)

DC's New 52 continues into its second month. This week it's the turn of the lost Legionnaires in the 21st Century. Now that the stranded Legionnaires are introduced and the obstacles they're facing have been introduced, we'll see if this title can support a good story without the seasoned Legion hands of writer Paul Levitz.

Since this week I've only got one title on my pull list, I'm not sure if I'll be driving to my local comic book shop, Acme Comics in Longwood, Florida. I might save gas and wait until next week, when it'll be payday. I'll see how it goes.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Issue #135: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, October 5, 2011:

Invincible #83 (Skybound/Image)
Action Comics #2 (DC)

Invincible #83 (Skybound/Image) *  *  *  *

Invincible learns a shocking secret, then continues to adjust to his changing home life with Atom Eve. Two of Invincible's arch villains go through life altering events, and Robot and Monster Girl struggle to adjust to like back on Earth.

Mark is still going through a period of adjustment in his career as a superhero. I still wonder if the setbacks he suffered in recent issues are consequences from the end of the Viltrumite War. How and when he will emerge from his funk is unknown. It's not looking like it's going to happen any time soon. We still don't know what tragedies Robot and Monster Girl suffered elsewhere. I wonder how Cecil is going to use his new "assets" in future crises.

This storyline after the Viltrumite War seems like it's setting up future plotlines, but in the capable hands of Robert Kirkman and company, it's far from boring. Each issue in this "quiet" story builds more anticipation for when things will heat up again for Invincible. As Robert Kirkman has shown before, it will happen, and sooner rather than later.

Action Comics #2 (DC) *  *  *  *

As the cover shows, superman is now in the hand of Government forces. And it's not hard to guess who the bald guy is in the upper left corner in the background. Superman shows he can dish it out as well as he takes it.We're introduced to Dr. Irons and John Corben, so I wonder how long it will be before we meet their alter egos, as we knew them in their last continuities.

Just like the first issue, this one lives up to the title. There's a lot of action between Superman and Army troops. I like Rags Morales' art, except for one panel each where Superman and Lois look off. Superman seems a little small in one panel, and Lois seems to have a stronger chin in another, resembling a European woman more than the Lois Lane we're familiar with elsewhere in the issue. I'm still pleased with this issue. I like where this story is going, so I guess I'll wait until the second storyline before having a final opinion about this new Man of Steel. So far, so good.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

From The Comic Shop #42: Saturday, October 8, 2011:

On a very rainy Saturday, I didn't get anything extra from my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, in Longwood, Florida. If you read my updated pull list post, you'll see that my list maxes out my comic book budget. So I can't afford to buy any extra titles or back issues. But these two tiles should be some good reading:

Invincible #83 (Skybound/Image)
Action Comics #2 (DC)

Invincible is always a great read, but I'm saving the second issue of Action Comics until last, hoping that it is as good as the first issue.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Preview # 53: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, October 5, 2011:

Action Comics #2 (DC)

New we'll see how DC can maintain the excitement garnered from all of the #1 issues. Hopefully, Action will live up to the potential Grant Morrison laid out in the first issue.

Invincible #83 (Skybound/Image)

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Issue # 134: After DC's New 52, My Updated Pull List:

Now that DC's relaunch is complete, and their second issues are published this month, here's my updated pull list from my local comic book shop, Acme Comics in Longwood, Florida. Because of my limited comic book buying budget, I wasn't lucky enough to do what some of the podcasters I listen to were able to do, and buy all 52 of DC's new #1 issues. With one exception, I stuck to my favorites from DC, Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes. The other title I sampled also made the list, but I expected it to.

DC Comics:
Action Comics
All-Star Western
Fables (Vertigo/DC)
Legion Of Super-Heroes
Legion Lost
Legion: Secret Origins (Scheduled to be published on Wednesday, October 26, 2011.)

Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes (The first issue is scheduled to be published this month, October 2011.)



Abstract Studios
Rachel Rising

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Issue #133: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

All-Star Western #1 (DC)
Rachel Rising #2 (Abstract Studios)
Superman #1 (DC)

When I get home after visiting my local comic book shop, Acme Comics in Longwood, Florida, I read them in the reverse order of what I anticipate to be the best issue that week, based on my experiences with previous issues, except for first issues of course. In other words, I save what I think will be the best issue for last. For at least the past year, sadly, Superman hasn't made it to the bottom of my stack. With DC Comics' new 52 I decided to save it for last, since I enjoyed Action Comics #1 so much.

All-Star Western #1 (DC) *  *  *  *  *

I'm not a big fan of the western genre in comics per say, but I did enjoy Gray and Palmiotti's recently cancelled Jonah Hex series. Sadly, I had to drop it for budgetary reasons, but I had a little room in my comic book buying allowance, and this was an easy choice. I haven't read a lot of their comic book titles, but what I have read I enjoy because of their knack for unique characterizations and development. This issue did not disappoint. Jonah Hex arrived in the Gotham City of the late 1800's, at the invitation of Dr. Arkham,  to investigate a rash of murdered prostitutes. Hex quickly placed his stamp on the town, and we visit a good cross section of the city, from high society to the slums. By the end of the issue there appears to be more going on than meets the eye. Because of a clue on the back page, I couldn't help but wonder if a younger Ra's Al Ghul is involved. I'm not giving away any spoilers, just sharing a guess just on the slim chance that I may be right. I have already added this title to my pull list.

Rachel Rising #2 (Abstract Studios) *  *  *  *  *

In this issue we are introduced to a member of Rachel;s supporting cast, and a little girl finds a stranger in her house. What stood out for me the most about this issue was Terry Moore's ability to craft dialogue in a way to reveal a character's history in such a natural conversational way, without feeling like necessary but clunky info dump via word balloons in your average comic book. It draws us into Rachel's world and the mystery she is attempting to solve. The final scene made me realize that something deeper was going on under the surface of the main story, and left me wishing the third issue would hurry up and get here.

Superman #1 (DC) *  *  *  *  *

Out with the old and in with the new, and that's how this issue begins (although I'll leave it up to you to discover how). As much as I enjoyed Action Comics #1, I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy this issue. George Pérez wrote and laid out this issue, which was drawn by Jesús Merino. Surprisingly, I liked it a little bit better than Action #1. This was a much denser story, meaning no criticism of Action, with up to twelve panels per page. I found that I didn't mind Superman's new costume. There were elements of the Julius Schwartz era of Superman continuity brought into this new continuity, but changed and updated in a refreshing way. We're introduced to the supporting cast in the middle of covering a breaking story, which is a great way to get a feel for the characters, under pressure. It will be interesting to watch the Clark/Lois/Superman relationship unfold in this new continuity. After reading this issue I had the urge to read it again, which hasn't happened for an issue of Superman in a long time. I hope DC keeps up the good work. So far, I'm on board with this new Man of Steel.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Issue #132: Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, August 24,September 14 & 21, 2011:

From the week of Wednesday, August 24, 2011:

Flashpoint: Project Superman #3 (of 3) (DC)

From the week of Wednesday, September 14, 2011:

Legion Lost #1 (DC)

From the week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (DC)
Fables #108 (Vertigo/DC)

Flashpoint: Project Superman #3 (of 3) (DC) *  *  *

In this final issue, the young Kryptonian Kal-El and Subject Zero have their final showdown. We see Lois as part of the Resistance. Most of the issue shows their final battle, but it is not devoid of emotion, as too many superhero battles are.The adversaries were evenly matched, and the ending was very touching. It was a good imaginary story. Of any of the event series from DC or Marvel, I wish I could have afforded to buy all if not most of the tie-in mini-series. I've loved imaginary stories since reading those classic Superman tales from the 1960's.

Legion Lost #1 (DC) *  *  *  *

Someone goes berserk in a town or city, and a group of Legionnaires travel back in time to pursue him. Things go horribly wrong, this setting up the crisis (no DC Comics pun intended) that they face. This issue throws us right in the middle of the action, and doesn't give us a chance to catch our breath. The only thing I wish had been included, for new readers unfamiliar with the Legion of Super-Heroes, were text boxes for each Legionnaire showing their name and powers. But the story is interesting enough, and the characterizations well defined, that new readers may be interested enough to continue reading this title and learn as they go along. It looks like this group of Legionnaires is in for a wild ride.

Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 *  *  *  *

Just as in Legion Lost #1, the regular Legion title opens with a team of Legionnaires on a mission to a border world. It appears an old enemy is menacing the United Planets again. Meanwhile the rest of the Legion deal with the repercussions of the battle that concluded the previous Legion series, complete with a statue for the latest dead Legionnaire. And some recent graduates of the Legion Academy fill the ranks of a depleted Legion. This title is among those least affected by DC's relaunch. This new series picks up where the old one left off, but it is still an excellent title.

Fables #109 (Vertigo/DC) *  *  *  *

Snow's and Bigby's children are tested to determine who will be the new North Wind. Bufkin and his friends continue their quest in Oz while Mrs. Sprat continues her training. Red continues scouting the abandoned farm. The children are the main focus of this issue, if not this storyline. As the plot advances, my concern for their welfare increases, especially since I'm a father myself. The other plot lines advance a little more, but I enjoy this weaving of multiple plot threads in the issue. I know more excellent stories will be coming in the future.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

From The Comic Shop #41: Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

All-Star Western  #1 (DC)

I had to drop the previous Jonah Hex series, written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, and drawn by various guest artists, because of budgetary reasons. I now have a little room for another title in my comic book buying budget, so I made sure not to miss this opportunity to read Palmiotti's and Gray's Jonah Hex stories again. If I enjoy the issue (which I expect to) I will be adding this title to my pull list.

Superman #1 (DC)

This title has been uneven in recent years, especially for the past 12 issues or so. I'm hoping that DC can get my enthused about new Superman stories again, something that hasn't been the case this year, sadly. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Rachel Rising #2 (Abstract Studios)

I have no doubts about this title. I've read the last dozen issues of Terry Moore's Strangers In Paradise and all of his just concluded Echo series, and there hasn't been a bad issue in the bunch. Each issue has had good characterization and development, strong plots and great art, especially a realistic portrayal of women. The first issue of this new series was no different. I will always make room for a Terry Moore comic book in my comic book buying budget.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

From The Comic Shop #40: Saturday, September 24, 2011:

From the week of Wednesday, August 24, 2011:

Flashpoint: Project Superman #3 (OF 3) (DC) (originally published August 24, 2011.)

I missed this issue when it was published exactly a month ago today. The fine staff of Acme Comics were able to find a copy of this final issue. I enjoyed the first two issues of this Flashpoint tie-in mini-series, and would have hated to miss the conclusion. This was the only Flashpoint series I read, but in retrospect, I would have checked out more, if not all, of the Flashpoint event titles. I grew up on DC's Imaginary Stories with Superman, and Flashpoint seems like it was right up that alley. Unfortunately, my budget wouldn't have been able to handle it. So, I'll just have to settle for this title.

From last week, Wednesday, September 14, 2011:

Legion Lost #1 (DC)

All I know about this title is that some members of the Legion of Super-Heroes get stuck in the past in "our" time. Since the Legion is my second favorite DC title after Superman, I have to check it out. I would be very surprised and disappointed if I don't like it.

This week I got two titles, Legion Of Super-Heroes #1, and Fables #109, both published bu DC.

Of all of DC's relaunches, Legion is supposed to be one of the titles least affected by the relaunch. Superman has been one of the characters who has been most affected by this relaunch, at least in Action Comics. Paul Levitz remains as the writer of this title. Based on his track record since he once again took over the writing chores of Legion, I feel the most confidence that the quality of stories will remain high after DC's relaunch.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Preview #52: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, September 21, 2011:

Fables #108 (Vertigo/DC)
Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (DC)

Since Friday is payday, I will be going to my local comic book shop, Acme Comics in Longwood, Florida, on Saturday. Since I wasn't able to go last week, I'll be picking up Legion Lost #1 as well. I look forward to reading both Legion titles. While the main Legion title, from what little internet publicity I've read so far, will change the least when compared to other DC series, like Superman, Legion Lost will be about a group of Legionnaires stuck in the 21st Century. Since writer Paul Levitz returned to write the Legion, it has been a stronger title than it has been for years. There's a sense of continuity instead of constant reboots as a series of creative teams did good but completely different versions of the Legion. Now it's on a firm foundation and adding to a rich history of Legion Lore. With Legion Lost, I don't know what to expect, which is half the fun of reading a great comic book series. While the Superman and Legion titles are the only titles of DC's New 52 that I'll be getting, not knowing what's coming is part of the fun of going to the comic shop. And, of course, while Fables won't be affected by DC's relaunch, it has always been an excellent title to read each month.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Issue #131: Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, August 31 & September 7, 2011:

Invincible  #82 (Skybound/Image)
Action Comics #1 (DC)

How I read my new comic book issues each week is to shuffle the ones I look forward to reading most to the bottom of the stack, so that I save the best for last. For at least a year, a Superman issue hasn't made it to the bottom of the stack, unfortunately, until this week. I've purposefully avoided reading the internet publicity of the Superman relaunch, beyond the cover art of the new uniforms. It feels good to look forward to new Superman stories again. That's a feeling that's been missing for a while.

Invincible #82 (Skybound/Image) *  *  *  *  *

Invincible continues to have a crisis of confidence after recent events, and is reexamining his role in the world. He does think of a unique way to handle a villain he captured recently. As usual for this title, it's something you don't see in the average superhero title. Atom Eve is going through her own issues, and the world is not as admiring of Invincible after the recent destruction of a major American city. I can't help but wonder if this is another ramification from the aftermath of the Viltrumite War. I wonder what the world will think of Invincible if and when they discover that he allowed the Viltrumites to live on Earth. Also, a character returns after a long absence, setting up another future plot thread. There's not a lot of superhero action in this issue, but Robert Kirkman's knack for character development makes this as interesting of an issue as you could hope.

Action Comics #1 (DC) *  *  *  *

 Grant Morrison has been hit and miss for me, I was pleasantly surprised by this issue. Morrison can be incomprehensible at times with his stories, but there's none of that here. It's more in the vein of All-Star Superman than Superman Beyond 3-D, thank goodness. First of all, despite the changes with this relaunch, the basic characteristics of Superman's personality are recognizable. Morrison does a good job of incorporating bits of the golden age Superman into this new version of the Man of Steel. If I wasn't familiar with the original Superman and his rough and tumble crime fighting style, I might have found this new Superman a little disturbing. But he does harken back to his golden age roots. Most of the traditional supporting cast is introduced, and there is even a tiny reference to his connection to the Legion of Super-Heroes. There's a lot of action and plot development in this first issue, plenty for the reader to sink his teeth into. I do like this "primitive" look for his uniform, which I would call with no disrespect the "." Superman look. This new Superman shows that Truth and Justice aren't always the same as Law and Order. It's still early, but, so far, I dig this new Superman. I look forward to reading George Pérez's version of the Man of Steel in Superman #1 later this month.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Preview #51: Comic Book For The Week Of Wednesday, September 14, 2011:

Legion Lost #1 (DC)

This title is my second of four series I'm picking up from DC's New 52.The Legion of Super-Heroes are second only to Superman as my favorite character(s). So I wasn't going to miss either of the two Legion titles. I'll be picking up this title next Saturday after payday, so it'll be another week before I'll get to read it.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

From The Comic Shop #39: Saturday, September 10, 2011:

Invincible #82 (Skybound/Image)
Action Comics #1 (DC)

Each week, after I return home with the titles I bought from my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, I arrange that week's titles in ascending order of my favorite titles, saving my favorite title of the week for last. Sadly for a Superman fan like myself, it's been a while since I've placed a Superman title at the bottom of the stack, especially on week's I've bought Invincible. This week, I'm saving Action Comics #1 for last. I've kept from most of the internet coverage and speculation about the relaunched Man of Steel, wanting to read this new #1 issue of Action without the distractions of preconceptions influenced from anything I've read about it. I did read a little bit about this first storyline by writer Grant Morrison, and saw the cover art online. It piqued my interest, with what I'll call the "Jethro" Superman look, with a short sleeved Superman t-shirt, short cape, blue jeans and work shoes.(Jethro was a character in The Beverly Hillbillies TV show from the 1960's.)

Another think that intrigues me about this new Superman relaunch is the fact that I don't know what to expect. thanks to the less than stellar Grounded and Lex Luthor stories in the Superman titles, I'm looking forward to this relaunch, where the Man of Steel is concerned, more than I otherwise would have. I'm going into this DC relaunch with an open mind. If I decide I don't like the Superman titles, as much as I would hate to, I'll drop them and pick something else to read. It won't drive me out of reading comic books. I like the art form too much, and I'll just try out other titles that have interested me but I haven't been able to fit into my budget.

I hope this next year of reading Superman comic books is more interesting than this year has been.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Preview #50: Comic Book For The Week of September 7, 2011:

Action Comics #1 (DC)

Well, I can finally say that I can afford to buy a mint copy of Action Comics #1. I'm looking forward to Sueprman getting a fresh start, after about a year of less than fantastic stories. And with Grant Morrison writing this series, I hope that he does as good of a job as he did on All-Star Superman, and not the almost incomprehensible Superman Beyond, the two issue Final Crisis tie-in (even though I did enjoy it).

This is going to be an interesting time to be a comic book fan in general, and a Sueprman fan in particular. I don't know what to expect, which makes me look forward to reading Superman comic books in a way I haven't felt in too long.

My hope is that the relaunched DC Comics, and Sueprman in particular, can reach a new generation, as the Man of Steel has done for the past seven decades. While I am happy with what has become the traditional Superman costume, I'm okay with the new, redesigned Superman costume. I agree with the thought I've heard other comic book podcasters express, that every generation has a right to their version of super heroes, and Superman in particular. Maybe this relaunch can present super heroes in a way that appeals to this modern, younger generation.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Preview #49: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Invincible #82 (Skybound/Image)

This week is between paydays, so I'll have to wait until next week to go to my local comic book shop, Acme Comics in Longwood, Florida. It's a shame, because Invincible is one of my favorite comic book titles.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.



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