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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Issue #138: Comic Books For The Weeks Of November 9 & 16, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 9, 2011:

Legion Lost #3 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC)
Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios)

Comic book for the week of Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

Legion Lost #3 (DC) *  *  *

The lost Legionnaires search for signs if Alastor is still alive in order to find a cure for the pathogen spreading among 21st Century humans. While the other Legionnaires try to cobble together some equipment that will work in this more primitive era, Timber Wolf follows a trail on his own and makes a shocking discovery.

Unlike other reviews of some of DC's new 52 titles which are critical of what they feel is a lack of story, Legion Lost tells a solid story. It continues to develop the mystery of the pathogen from the 31st Century, and the Legion's struggles to survive in a more primitive time, and solve a problem they feel partly responsible for. After the revelation in this issue, I can't wait to read the next issue.

Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC) *  *  *  *

After some quick scenes of life on various worlds of the Empire, both the Legionnaire's and Captain Kirk's landing party try to escape from angry crowds and find good hiding places. Spock is able to discover how this Earth's history, and this issue ends with one question: How will both marooned groups react to each other when they meet. We're given tantalizing glimpses to the identity to this Empire's Emperor. Is it Vandal Savage?

While it's taking a few issues to almost get both groups together, it doesn't feel like the plot is thin or the story padded. This issue has built story tension  as our heroes have to escape danger, find a safe hideout, and figure out a way to get to their own universe. Now that the stage is set, almost, I can't wait to read how the two groups interact to solve their common threat.

Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios) *  *  *  *  *

Rachel goes to a nightclub, and has a strange interaction with another woman that hints at another way Rachel's trauma has affected her. The mysterious blonde woman from the previous issue is also there, and another person is driven to extreme behavior after meeting her, just as in last issue. That story is also continued in this issue as well.

Terry Moore continues to develop an excellent horror story, revealing a little more of the mystery with each issue, giving us a satisfying chunk of story and drawing us into the plot, bringing us back for next issue. He knows how to craft an excellent horror story without the gore.

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC) *  *  *  *

One team of Legionnaires fight the Dominion fleet and the Daxamite Res-Vir, while Brainiac 5 learns more about Glorith's powers, while Cosmic Boy leads another group to Daxam to learn more about Res-Vir.

First of all, I love the Chris Sprouse pencilled and Karl Story inked cover. This story had the usual touches I enjoy in a Legion story, action, character development and a touch of humor to break the tension in the right places. When I think of the Dominion, I'm reminded of the plot line from the "5 years later" Legion series, which was the first monthly Legion series I collected. I'm looking forward to reading this new 52 version of the Dominion. My only criticism of this story is that I prefer the egg like design of the Dominion from the 5 years later Legion title than this sereis. It reminds me of a Klingon ship, but this is only a very minor quibble.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

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