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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last Issue

Since I began drawing the webcomic Slipstream, time management with a podcast and two blogs has become an issue. While I plan on continuing doing The Superman Fan Podcast and Slipstream, I have finally had to come to the realization that I cannot sustain everything I have been doing on the internet. Sadly, I have decided to end this blog so that I can better devote my time to my podcast and webcomic.

I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to show some interest in the comic books I read every week. While I will miss posting about the titles I'm reading, I am looking forward to reading comic books again as a fan, without having to think about how I'll rate each issue and what comments I'll post.

While the comic book industry has struggled in recent years, there doesn't seem to be a scarcity of comic book titles competing for an audience. Superheroes are the foundation of my love for comic books, and I'll never stop reading them, but as I get older I've become more interested in exploring independent comic books. I hope to explore more independent titles as time and money allow.

Thanks again for reading this blog, and remember, there's always another great comic book waiting to be read. And I still look forward to visiting my local comic book shop, Acme Comics in Longwood, Florida.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

From The Comic Shop #46: Saturday, December 3, 2011:

Superman #3 (DC)
Legion: Secret Origin #2 (of 6) (DC)
All-Star Western #3 (DC)
Invincible #85 (Skybound/Image)
Fables #111 (Vertigo/DC)
Terry Moore's How To Draw Expressions (Abstract Studios)

I also did a bit of Christmas shopping, buying a collected edition and a graphic novel. I won't say for who:

Strangers In Paradise Pocket Edition vol. 2, written, drawn and lettered by Terry Moore.  (Abstract Studios)

An Elegy For Amelia Johnson written by Andrew Rostan, illustrated by Dave Valeza & Kate Kasenow and lettered by Dave Lanphear (Archaia).

My local comic book shop didn't have a copy of Billy Tucci's A Child Is Born, but was all too happy to order a copy for me.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preview #57 Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, November 23 & 30, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 30, 2011:

Fables #111 (Vertigo/DC)
Legion: Secret Origins #2 (of 6) (DC)

Comic books from last week, November 23, 2011:

All-Star Western #3 (DC)
Superman #3 (DC)
Invincible #85 (Skybound/Image)
A Child Is Born #1 (of 1) (Apostle Arts)

I saw some of the pages from A Child Is Born, drawn by Billy Tucci, when he appeared at MegaCon back in March. Needless to say, the art was exquisite as he always does. A Child Is Born is a comic book adaption of the Birth of Christ. It's now released at the perfect time for the Christmas season. To learn more about this comic book, go to the website Apostle Arts.

I wasn't able to go to the comic book shop last week, so I'm going to have a nice little stack to read after I go to my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, this Saturday.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Issue #138: Comic Books For The Weeks Of November 9 & 16, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 9, 2011:

Legion Lost #3 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC)
Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios)

Comic book for the week of Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

Legion Lost #3 (DC) *  *  *

The lost Legionnaires search for signs if Alastor is still alive in order to find a cure for the pathogen spreading among 21st Century humans. While the other Legionnaires try to cobble together some equipment that will work in this more primitive era, Timber Wolf follows a trail on his own and makes a shocking discovery.

Unlike other reviews of some of DC's new 52 titles which are critical of what they feel is a lack of story, Legion Lost tells a solid story. It continues to develop the mystery of the pathogen from the 31st Century, and the Legion's struggles to survive in a more primitive time, and solve a problem they feel partly responsible for. After the revelation in this issue, I can't wait to read the next issue.

Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC) *  *  *  *

After some quick scenes of life on various worlds of the Empire, both the Legionnaire's and Captain Kirk's landing party try to escape from angry crowds and find good hiding places. Spock is able to discover how this Earth's history, and this issue ends with one question: How will both marooned groups react to each other when they meet. We're given tantalizing glimpses to the identity to this Empire's Emperor. Is it Vandal Savage?

While it's taking a few issues to almost get both groups together, it doesn't feel like the plot is thin or the story padded. This issue has built story tension  as our heroes have to escape danger, find a safe hideout, and figure out a way to get to their own universe. Now that the stage is set, almost, I can't wait to read how the two groups interact to solve their common threat.

Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios) *  *  *  *  *

Rachel goes to a nightclub, and has a strange interaction with another woman that hints at another way Rachel's trauma has affected her. The mysterious blonde woman from the previous issue is also there, and another person is driven to extreme behavior after meeting her, just as in last issue. That story is also continued in this issue as well.

Terry Moore continues to develop an excellent horror story, revealing a little more of the mystery with each issue, giving us a satisfying chunk of story and drawing us into the plot, bringing us back for next issue. He knows how to craft an excellent horror story without the gore.

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC) *  *  *  *

One team of Legionnaires fight the Dominion fleet and the Daxamite Res-Vir, while Brainiac 5 learns more about Glorith's powers, while Cosmic Boy leads another group to Daxam to learn more about Res-Vir.

First of all, I love the Chris Sprouse pencilled and Karl Story inked cover. This story had the usual touches I enjoy in a Legion story, action, character development and a touch of humor to break the tension in the right places. When I think of the Dominion, I'm reminded of the plot line from the "5 years later" Legion series, which was the first monthly Legion series I collected. I'm looking forward to reading this new 52 version of the Dominion. My only criticism of this story is that I prefer the egg like design of the Dominion from the 5 years later Legion title than this sereis. It reminds me of a Klingon ship, but this is only a very minor quibble.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://thesupermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

From The Comic Shop #45: Saturday, November 19, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

and from last week:

Legion Lost #3 (DC)
Star Trek/Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (of 6) (IDW/DC)
Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studios)

I guess I should call it Legion Week as far as my comic book reading goes. As much as I like the Legion, I'm still saving Rachel Rising for last, because it's such an excellent series (as is anything Terry Moore does).

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preview #56: Comic Books For The Week Of Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 (DC)

This is the only title I'll be getting this week from my local comic book shop, Acme Comics, but I'll also be picking up the titles from last week.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Issue #137: Comic Books For The Weeks Of Wednesday, October 26 & November 2, 2011:

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, October 26, 2011:

All-Star Western #2 (DC)
Legion: Secret Origins #1 (of 6) (DC)
Superman #2 (DC)

Comic books for the week of Wednesday, November 2, 2011:

Action Comics #2 (DC)
Invincible #84 (Skybound/Image)

All-Star Western #2 (DC) *  *  *  *

Jonah Hex and Dr. Arkham learn the secret behind the secret evil taking over Gotham City and face off against their forces in typical Jonah Hex style.We learn more about their plot and how they plan to carry it out, but Jonah might have a different opinion about that. Moritat's art is excellent, conveying the dark tone of the story in vivid detail. I don't know who Dr. Arkham is more scared of, Hex or the evil forces they're fighting, but at least he knows to stay close to Jonah.Do't miss the second story at the back of the issue, starring the classic DC western hero El Diablo, who is drawn into a fight against a foe that is popular in movies and TV these days, but no sparkles are involved, if you know what I mean.

Legion: Secret Origin #1 (of 6) (DC) *  *  *  *

I have to agree with the hosts of the Legion Of Substitute Podcasters hosts. As much as I've enjoyed the new Legion title, this may have been a better choice to use as the first issue of that series. While I love the Legion, there are a lot of characters, which may intimidate some comic book readers. But speaking for myself, that doesn't stop me from picking up a new title if I come in during the middle of it. One of my favorite comic book series is Planetary. My first issue was #19. But it was such an interesting story, and so different from the average superhero title, that I picked it up and gradually bought the back issues. Maybe Legion: Secret Origin will still draw in new readers.

It doesn't so much change the classic Legion origin, as it does add some behind the scene details. UP forces investigate an attack on a planet, and and find a strange device. Brainiac 5 is called in to investigate. Meanwhile we are introduced to a few members of a mysterious agency of the United Planets, who are drawn to that case, as well as three teenagers who save R. J. Brande, one of the richest men in the Galaxy, from assassins. And there's more to Brande than meets the eye, or at least than we've seen in past Legion series. The Legion takes its first steps as a few gifted teens join the founding trio.

What I like most about this first issue is that it doesn't try to change anything that is familiar about the Legion's founding to longtime readers like myself, as it does add new details and background to the origin, which make a classic story seem fresh and new. And, with DC's new 52 relaunch, it's appropriate to have a new origin story to hopefully introduce the Legion to new readers.

Superman #2 (DC) *  *  *  *

I'm continuing to enjoy this new Superman, even if he doesn't wear the red underwear on the outside anymore (not that I'm interested in what he wears under his uniform). Superman and General Lane consult about the threat the Man of Steel faced in the first issue. Clark and Lois have a conversation about the changes in their relationship with her new job, and it does a great job of filling in the background of what their relationship has been in the past. I did like this fight better than the first issue. Whoever is behind these attacks has found a way to challenge Superman in a unique way in this issue. What I like most about it is that  Superman is able to think fast on his feet to get a handle on his mysterious opponent. And is that a familiar place the Man of Steel's in at the end of the issue?

Action Comics #3 (DC) *  *  *  *

The issue begins with a flashback to Krypton, drawn by Gene Ha. It takes place in Kandor, as Lara and the infant Kal-El visit family. Clark Kent gets a visit by the police about his campaign against Metropolis corruption and a possible connection with Superman.Clark joins Lois and Jimmy at a diner to discuss the fallout of Glenmorgan's confrontation with Superman, then compete for the same story. Then a military experiment goes awry. This was another solid issue of the new Action Comics. Writer Grant Morrison is crafting a great story about Superman's early years. Morrison has brought some of the Man of Steel's Golden Age origins into modern day and updated them to craft a refreshing story. We get a sense of Clark's isolation as he is in the process of getting his feet under him as he begins his career as a superhero. We haven't yet learned the nature of the alien threat approaching Earth, but long time Superman readers might have a good guess as to who it is. Reading Superman is fun again.

Invincible #84 (Skybound/Image) *  *  *  *

The cover is very simple, but its simplicity catches the eye. It really sums up the issue. Invincible makes some decisions that promise to change the course of his superhero career. He's not turning evil, but thinks he's found a different way of saving lives as a superhero. Not everyone is happy with his decision. This is what I like about Robert Kirkman's writing. The Invincible co-creator is not afraid to do anything with his main characters, which make his comic books a great read.

Send e-mail to mypulllist@gmail.com.

Superman Fan Podcast can be found at http://supermanfanpodcast.mypodcast.com. Expanded show notes are available at http://supermanfanpodcast.blogspot.com. Send e-mail about the podcast to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.

You can join both the Superman Fan Podcast and My Pull List groups and pages on facebook. Follow both the podcast and blog on twitter @supermanpodcast.



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